Rangiora PC Membership
Rangiora Pony Club is accepting new member in 2024.
New members (under 25 years) are welcome to attend up to three rallies before confirming whether you would like to join. Upon completion of your three rallies, subs will be due.
If you are interested in coming to rally to see what we're all about, please contact us on rangioraponyclub@gmail.com
Annual RPC Subscriptions fall due after the AGM in early March. There is a set subscription, with discounts for more than one rider per family. Riders who have not paid their subscriptions are unable to attend rallies, sit certificates, or take part in pony club competitions. ​
A portion of each subscription goes to both NZPCA and North Canterbury Pony Club as a levy. The remainder is used to fund club running expenses such as ground lease fees to the Northern A&P Association, equipment purchase and maintenance, coaching etc.
The gate code is changed annually and given out to paid members who are able to use the ground year round – please do not give your gate code out to anyone else as our members are covered by NZPCA Health and Safety liability insurance.
2024 Subs
One riding member - $150 (6 month membership from 1 Nov $80)
Second riding member - $100 6 month membership from 1 Nov $60)
Adult Member (non-riding) - $15.00
Adult Volunteer riding member - $50.00
This amount includes a NZPCA levy, a NCPC levy, an A&P levy, Head Coach fee, Insurance etc.
Payment due 1 June 2024 (for 1st May 2024 - 30th April 2025 season)
Payments are processed by 'Nominate' please reach out to rangioraponyclub@gmail.com to arrange membership payment.