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Our Rallies

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Rallies are generally held on the second and fourth Sundays of each month, start times are generally 10am for morning rallies and you will need to be ready to ride by 9.45am for gear check and turnout.


For full day rallies we then generally have a shared lunch at 12 noon (please bring a plate of food to share) followed by an afternoon session at about 1 pm.


Details of rallies will be posted on the pony club Facebook page and an RSVP sent out normally at the beginning of that week. the RSVP is very important as it does assist with the planning of the rally, particularly on how many instructors we need.


A rally record will be taken at each rally.  For a rally to count on the rider’s rally record they must RSVP and NZPCA states that they “must be under instruction for at least 90 minutes”.


We aim for the first rally of the month to be an instructional session (generally flatwork and theory followed by some jumping as appropriate) and the second rally to be a more fun orientated day. We use in-Club instructors and invited specialists (there may be a nominal charge to participants for these sessions). We try to provide a range of instructional styles and philosophies. We also aim to provide a range of activities such as polo sessions, trail riding sessions, road safety sessions, saddle fitting clinics, farrier demonstrations, anatomy clinics. We are always open to suggestions from our members for activities.


Unfortunately, usually due to weather or ground conditions, a rally may need to be canceled.  News of this will be via Facebook normally by 8.30am on the day (or in severe weather the night before).


Five Rally Rule


For various Pony Club Competitions, the five rally rule must be complied with. The rule states; “riders must have attended five rallies in the previous twelve months prior to that activity, three on the mount they intend to ride on”. Compliance with this rule will be required to be certified by the branch Head Instructor.

Contact RPC

For further information on our club or becoming a member!

We would love to hear from you!

Find us on Facebook HERE!


Thanks, we have received your message and will be in touch.

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